So... What's the deal with me? What's the deal with Solomon?

Let's not sugarcoat this; I am old. I am really old. In fact, I am older than the Earth itself. Hell, I'm older than the UNIVERSE itself. But that must leave a question to linger around in your mind... What was life like before the Earth or before time? Well, it was really all just white. Not really white, but a colour that isn't visible to the living eye; Even I can't see it anymore. Viewing this specific colour is like a free trial... Kind of like what a certain graphics production company (That I cannot specify) does! Sorry, I was rambling... Life was all white, and I had no "physical form". I was just a beam of light; And I suppose that was me as a baby...

"Baby"? Do I age? Not physically, but I do age. When I was a beam of light, I was just that; A beam of light. When the universe was created and I turned into a star, I was just a star. When humanity gained consciousness and began to form societies, I was myself. I don't know what I am, but I know that I exist.

//Elaborate on this. Make points of Solomon's beliefs on religion, stuff that he has seen, and just whatever comes to your mind. Love you, future Archie.